The mission of our library is to provide the residents of Plum Borough with free and equal access to all library materials and services. Your donation will help us continue our mission to serve the community.
The library could not do what it does without the generous support. Consider making a monetary donation.
Please make checks payable online to: Plum Library or donate online using the below link:
Support your community by supporting your library.

Leave Your Legacy at Plum Library
The Plum Community Library Board of Directors is pleased to announce our future giving tree. With donations ranging from $250 to over $1,000, patrons will be able to watch our mounted tree grow right in front of their eyes by dedicating an engraved leaf to a cause or individual of their choice. We hope that you will add a lasting memory to our giving tree as we ensure that the Plum Community Library remains an integral branch of Plum Borough.
Donation Levels:
- Bronze Leaf: $250-$499
- Silver Leaf: $499 – $999
- Gold Leaf: $1000 & up
Have questions?
Contact Pam Calfo, library director: 412-798-7323 |
Honor & Book Memorials
Wanting to honor a loved one or honor someone special? Make a donation of $25 or more to the Plum Borough Community Library and sponsor the purchase of a new book for our collection.
A bookplate with the names of you and those who you dedicated the book to, will be placed in the new book. We will also send an acknowledgement letter to the individual(s).
If you wish to make a donation for a memorial or honorarium, forms are available to download or at the circulation desk.